✨Today, October 1st is a very special day. Dina Damjanovik is starting her first job as a front-end developer. Here’s her story✨

Last week during the launch of the Women In Tech Macedonia our Founder Ayumi Moore Aoki was doing the opening speech when she mentioned how she had met her first Macedonian Friend, Elena Kolevska.

They had decided to organise a Summer Coding Camp (July 2018) where they would offer 50 women from around the world a 3 weeks coding camp.

✋That’s when Dina Damjanovik raised her hand as she was sitting in the audience, on the first row, and said that she was one of the “lucky 50” who benefited from the online Bootcamp.

💙 Here’s her story on how she began a new life. From working in a hostel with a 1-year-old baby, she got the courage to continue to learn how to code. Today, October 1st she starts her first job as a front-end developer.