Earlier this year, events transpired that have changed the way we work forever. Without warning or preparation, we were thrust into the brave new world of remote working.

The Guardian and our colleagues at other media outlets have had to make considerable and uncomfortable changes and have experienced cultural challenges in supporting colleagues to go fully remote. Of course their technology departments will have played a big part in enabling this effort as well.

Did the in-house technology team have to rally to provide tooling? Were there changes or plans for 2020 in the organisation that had to be switched up? Did innovation suffer or thrive under the circumstances?

We would like to invite you to join us for a free event on how news production has had to be transformed into a remote-friendly operation.

Our outstanding panel will include David Blishen, group product manager and Kirsten Broomhall, production editor, both from The Guardian, as well as Nathan Good, product manager from the BBC and Emily Wilson, head of home news at Channel 4.

The panel will be chaired by Sabina Bejasa-Dimmock, engineering manager at The Guardian.

This event will be hosted on a third-party live streaming platform BlueJeans, please refer to their privacy policy before purchasing a ticket to the event. After registering, you will receive a unique link in advance to access the event online.