How did you become a Woman in Technology?
My interest in tech sparked very early at school, it simply engaged me more than any other subjects. I had my career path set out a lot earlier than my friends. I knew I wanted to pursue a career in tech and art, so I went on to study graphic design at college then university.
After university, I got a job in Digital Marketing. I knew my career would land me within marketing team, so I wanted to understand how they worked, and the principles of digital marketing. I had the opportunity to learn about website design, email marketing, social media, SEO & SEM.
In my next few roles, I focused my attention back onto website & graphic design. I had the chance to design for small local companies and large enterprises like Tesco & Amazon.
I then discovered the best step in my career progression, studying UX Design. This really developed my tech knowledge to another level, in fact… Another planet! I feel so proud & grateful to be a UX Professional.
I currently work as a Digital Designer for a software company called Compleat. I take lead of Compleat’s Design, finding solutions to improve our user experience and design. I absolutely love my job and I feel so grateful to have landed a career as a woman in tech.
What is your WHY?
Tech is the most engaging and interesting career in my opinion. The potential for development is huge.
Becoming a UX Designer has really opened my eyes to technology. I feel I’ve finally found my happy place. I feel I can really change experiences and make a big difference.
The satisfaction I get from completing a project and seeing my work live is amazing. Sometimes I have to pinch myself in case I’m dreaming.
I found a job in tech, where I can also be creative. No day is ever the same. I never get bored. I couldn’t ask for more and I love breaking the stigma for women in tech.
What is the most difficult decision you’ve had to make to pursue your Dream?
Definitely choosing to delay buying a house so I could pay for UX Design training.
There was so many different UX design courses, but the one I chose took a considerable amount of my savings to do. It was a hard decision at the time, as I knew it would push back our plans to move house a little bit. But in the end, it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
What’s your favorite quote (your own, or from someone else)?
I can’t choose between these two, both are powerful in their own ways.
Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. – Steve Jobs
Learn the rules like a pro. So you can break them like an artist. – Pablo Picasso
You may reach out to Alex on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandra-carnall/