Women in Tech Global Awards, the ceremony

The Women in Tech Global awards ceremony took place in Lisbon on the 6th November 2019 at the beautiful Foz Palace. Congratulations to our 6 winners: 🏆Women in Tech Allie Award: Jeanette Cheah🏆Aspiring Teen Award: Brianna Gopaul🏆Most Disruptive Award: Julia...

Ada Lovelace Day – 8th October

Ada Lovelace is the world’s first computer programmer. From a young age Ada Lovelace was tutored in mathematics and science. A subject quite unusually taught to women in the 1840s. Lovelace became a brilliant mathematician, thanks in part to opportunities that...

Joana Baptista, Aspiring Teen Award 2018

Meet Joana Baptista, winner of the WomeninTech Global Aspiring Teen Award 2018. 🌟🏆 Joana is an award-winning 17-year-old founder of three startups, podcast show and Economics magazine, alongside her code-club, STEM workshops for disadvantaged pupils and...