Recent research has shed light on the persistent challenges faced by women in male-dominated industries, particularly in the realm of sports administration. A groundbreaking study conducted by McKinsey & Company, titled “Changing the game: Inclusion for women in the business of sports” (Goldstein et al., 2023), offers valuable insights that can be applied to other fields, including technology, where women remain underrepresented.

The Sports Industry Benchmark

The McKinsey study surveyed nearly 1,700 women working in sports administration across North America, providing a comprehensive look at their experiences of inclusion within their organizations. The findings reveal a stark reality: women in sports administration consistently report lower levels of inclusion compared to women in other industries across all dimensions measured (Goldstein et al., 2023).

Key Challenges Identified

  1. Perceptions of Unfairness One of the most striking findings is that only 42% of respondents agreed that their organizations were fair. This perception of unfairness was particularly pronounced among non-executive women (Goldstein et al., 2023). Such feelings of inequity can significantly impact women’s career progression and job satisfaction.
  2. Impact of Male-Dominated Environments The study found that 57% of respondents typically interact more with men than women in their workplaces, with about 20% of this group interacting almost exclusively with men. Women in these heavily male-dominated environments reported feeling less included and experiencing more microaggressions (Goldstein et al., 2023). This finding underscores the importance of diverse representation at all levels of an organization.
  3. Lack of Support for Advancement Only 38% of respondents reported having at least one sponsor within their organization, highlighting a significant gap in support for women’s career advancement (Goldstein et al., 2023). This lack of sponsorship can hinder women’s progress and contribute to the persistent underrepresentation of women in leadership roles.

Implications for Women in Tech

While the study focuses on sports administration, its findings resonate strongly with the experiences of women in the tech industry. Both fields have historically been male-dominated and face similar challenges in achieving gender equity. The insights from this research can inform strategies to improve inclusion and advancement opportunities for women in tech.

Recommendations for Improvement

The authors propose several strategies to address these challenges:

  1. Developing fairer organizations by debiasing people processes and ensuring equitable access to resources and opportunities.
  2. Boosting mentorship and sponsorship programs to support women’s career advancement.
  3. Creating more supportive environments by distributing the responsibility for inclusion across all employees, not just women leaders.
  4. Diversifying talent pipelines and making the industry more appealing and feasible for women to stay and thrive.


The McKinsey study provides valuable data and insights that can help drive meaningful change in both the sports and tech industries. By addressing the identified challenges and implementing targeted strategies, organizations can create more inclusive environments where women can thrive and advance in their careers.

For girls and young women aspiring to enter male-dominated fields like tech or sports administration, this research highlights the importance of seeking out mentors and sponsors, building strong networks, and advocating for more inclusive practices within their organizations. It also underscores the need for continued efforts to raise awareness about gender disparities and push for systemic changes that promote equity and inclusion.

As the tech industry continues to grapple with its own diversity challenges, the lessons learned from this sports administration study can serve as a valuable guide for creating more inclusive and equitable workplaces for women in all STEM fields.


Goldstein, D., London, L., McWhirter, L., & Vonwiller, B. (2023). Changing the game: Inclusion for women in the business of sports. McKinsey & Company.