In a recent Forbes article, Luciana Paulise (2024) highlighted a concerning trend: 54% of individuals continue to work during their vacations. This statistic, derived from a study by the Movchan Agency, raises important questions about work-life balance, particularly for women in the tech industry who often face unique challenges in their careers.

The Blurred Lines of Work and Leisure

The study reveals that while 34% of people work on vacation because they enjoy their jobs, a significant portion do so out of fear or obligation. 26% report working due to demands from their superiors, while 29% fear job loss if they fully disconnect. These findings suggest a pervasive culture of overwork that can be especially detrimental to women, who often juggle multiple responsibilities both at work and home.

The Impact on Mental Health and Productivity

Paulise’s article cites alarming statistics: 63% of individuals feel anxious when not checking work emails during time off, and 70% have experienced mental health issues due to overworking. For women in tech, who already face higher rates of burnout and stress, these numbers are particularly concerning.

The Benefits of Truly Disconnecting

Research has shown that taking genuine time off can lead to significant improvements in both personal well-being and professional performance. Paulise references a small company experiment where enforced vacation time resulted in a 33% increase in creativity, a 25% rise in happiness levels, and a 13% boost in productivity. These findings suggest that encouraging women in tech to take uninterrupted vacations could lead to enhanced innovation and job satisfaction.

Implications for Women in Tech

For women navigating the competitive tech landscape, the pressure to remain constantly connected can be intense. However, the research indicates that this approach may be counterproductive. By fully disconnecting during vacations, women in tech can:
1. Reduce stress and improve mental health
2. Enhance creativity and problem-solving skills
3. Gain fresh perspectives on work challenges
4. Improve overall job performance and satisfaction

Recommendations for Empowering Women in Tech

To address this issue and support women in the industry, tech companies and leaders should consider:
1. Implementing strict “no-contact” policies during employee vacations
2. Promoting a culture that values work-life balance and mental health
3. Providing additional support for women to take uninterrupted time off
4. Highlighting success stories of women who have benefited from fully disconnecting

Empowering the Next Generation

As we strive to encourage more girls and young women to enter STEM fields, it’s essential to model healthy work habits.
By demonstrating the importance of work-life balance and the benefits of disconnecting, we can create a more sustainable and appealing image of careers in technology.


The findings presented by Paulise (2024) underscore the importance of genuine time off for all workers, but they hold particular significance for women in tech. By recognizing the value of disconnecting and implementing supportive policies, the industry can foster an environment where women can thrive both personally and professionally.
As we continue to address gender disparities in tech, ensuring that women can fully benefit from their vacation time is a crucial step towards creating a more equitable and innovative industry.


Paulise, L. (2024, June 18). 54% Of Individuals Continue To Work On Vacation: What Is The Cost? *Forbes*.