Stop Language Bias Campaign

Stop Language Bias Campaign

🌟Unconscious gender bias impacts all of us.🌟 The use of gender biased language seems to be quite common in the workplace, and the biggest issue is the fact that most people are not aware that the language which they are using is even biased! Women can be called...
Meet Shokoufeh Abrishami

Meet Shokoufeh Abrishami

How did you become a Woman in Technology? As an 8 year old girl I got inspired to make a positive impact on society while reading an astronomy and science book. By recognized talent and studying hard I obtained my master and PHD in industrial engineering. After that,...
WIT Switzerland chapter launch takeaways

WIT Switzerland chapter launch takeaways

March 25th marked the official kick-off of the WIT Switzerland chapter. We had incredible speakers: Katrin Arnold, Elizabeth Theophille, Alisée de Tonnac and Olivier Bousquet. We were thrilled by your warm welcome, you were more than 250 participants! 🙏🏼 Our panelists...
2nd edition of the Women in Tech 24hr World Tour

2nd edition of the Women in Tech 24hr World Tour

This year’s 24h World Tour took place on May 26th and 27th. If you missed it, you can watch all the sessions on replay! Opening Welcome to the second edition of our 24HR World Tour! Fireside chat between Lori Rodriguez, Chief Digital Officer Women in Tech and...
Be featured as a WOW – WIT of the Week

Be featured as a WOW – WIT of the Week

BE FEATURED AS A WOW We have a community of such inspiring ladies that we want to have a weekly WOW – Woman in Tech of the Week to share on our platform, website, newsletters and social media. If you want to be featured, please answer the following 4 questions...