🙌 Big thanks to Lisa Christen, Shalini Trefzer and Dr. Patricia Widmer for this inspiring talk on Clubhouse on Wednesday night, and big thanks to Safia Agueni, Dr. Dagmara Lewandowska and Delphine Yan (晏如) for the organization and representation! Thank you to all our...
⭐ Announcing the kick-off of a new upcoming series: Fireside chats with Tech Leaders! ⭐ Every now and again, some of us are lucky enough to meet and learn from truly extraordinary people or have the privilege of working with many leaders & learn from each of them...
Do you want to re-enter the labour market after a career break, but don’t know how? This is your chance to increase your visibility! The non-profit association Companies & Returnships Network in collaboration with ReturnersWork is organising the Second...
Our colleagues at WomeninTech Switzerland Barbara Stäuble & Katja Oswald Borella were at #herHACK, the female hackathon organized by #DigitalSwitzerland in Zurich, and were thrilled to experience the energy of all these women focussing on bringing society closer...