Sep 10, 2021 | News, WIT RU
The WiT & CROC Soft Skills School 2021 2nd edition has successfully finished! The results are as stunning as the last year – 50 women from the IT industry took the course and developed soft skills to succeed in their careers. This year participants mastered...
Sep 1, 2021 | News, WIT RU
This summer we successfully completed the first Mentor in Tech program in Russia. 110 top-notch mentors and 255 mentees were selected to participate in this initiative, making it one of the largest mentoring programs for women in technology in Russia. The program was...
Aug 26, 2021 | News, WIT BAHR
We are pleased to announce Women in Tec is joining hands with Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society by signing a cooperation protocol deal, on August 17th, to achieve the common economic goals and develop the business to serve the na-tional economy. Jérôme Cauchard,...
Jul 23, 2021 | Events, WIT FR
Rendez-vous en ligne le 14 septembre de 9h à 10h pour une table ronde organisée par Femmes Pharma sur le thème « Impact de la santé digitale et quel rôle pour les femmes ? ». À cette occasion nous nous pencherons sur les questions suivantes : Quels sont les impacts du...