We’re excited to share that our Founder and CEO, Ayumi Moore Aoki, was recently featured in The European Business Review, discussing the mission and impact of Women in Tech Global. Here are some key highlights from the interview:

  1. Origins of Women in Tech Global: Ayumi’s personal experiences as a woman entrepreneur in tech led her to create our organization. She recognized the need for a global community that provides both networking support and on-the-ground programs to help women embrace technology.
  2. Our Four Pillars: Women in Tech Global focuses on education, business, digital inclusion, and advocacy to create a more inclusive and equitable tech industry.
  3. The #BeyondCeilings Campaign: In partnership with UN Women, this campaign aims to raise awareness and catalyze action to dismantle the invisible barriers that hinder women’s progress in tech.
  4. Global Impact: With chapters in 57 countries across 6 continents and over 200,000 members, we’re on a mission to impact 5 million women and girls in STEAM fields by 2030.
  5. Addressing Underrepresentation: We’re tackling barriers to women’s leadership in tech through advocacy, mentoring programs, education, and skill-building initiatives.
  6. Future Aspirations: Exciting upcoming projects include a global youth summer school and increased focus on tech diplomacy and policy-making.

Ayumi’s advice to aspiring women in tech: “Follow your dreams and don’t let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. Believing in yourself is key to breaking through limitations.”

Read the full interview to learn more about how Women in Tech Global is working to create a more inclusive tech ecosystem for all.

[Link to full article]