“Demystifying Data Science” Series. Vol. 2

“Demystifying Data Science” Series. Vol. 2

On July 28th, 2020 Women in Tech Russia hosted the second meetup of the “Demystifying Data Science” series in collaboration with Dell Technologies. The event’s target audience was DS newbies, so all topics were dedicated to junior data scientists and those who plan to...
WIT Russia QA School

WIT Russia QA School

After Women in Tech Russia’s “Ways to IT”  meetup in February, we collected feedback.  One girl said: “It’s really cool that you do these motivational speeches and encourage girls, but I’d be happier if you had shown us how exactly we can acquire new knowledge, and...
Help us make our Women in Tech Platform

Help us make our Women in Tech Platform

We are launching our own Women in Tech platform and a mobile app! 🤗 A home for our community, our events, partner projects, talent market place and network, creating greater access to the programs making real change in our world. This platform will be yet another...
Online Cafe – IT Career Here and Now

Online Cafe – IT Career Here and Now

On July 15, at the Online Cafe “IT Career Here and Now” organized by Women in Tech Russia, we talked with great speakers about what is happening in the IT labor market now, what is needed to be relevant, and the role of Diversity in these times.  ...