Joining hands with Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society

Joining hands with Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society

We are pleased to announce Women in Tec is joining hands with Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society by signing a cooperation protocol deal, on August 17th, to achieve the common economic goals and develop the business to serve the na-tional economy. Jérôme Cauchard,...
Impact de la santé digitale et quel rôle pour les femmes ?

Impact de la santé digitale et quel rôle pour les femmes ?

Rendez-vous en ligne le 14 septembre de 9h à 10h pour une table ronde organisée par Femmes Pharma sur le thème « Impact de la santé digitale et quel rôle pour les femmes ? ». À cette occasion nous nous pencherons sur les questions suivantes : Quels sont les impacts du...
Stop Language Bias Study

Stop Language Bias Study

The use of gender-biased language seems to be quite common in the workplace but most people are not aware that the language which they are using is even biased. Unconscious gender bias impacts all of us. Women can be called “pushy” while trying to be persuasive. They...
Women in Tech hosted premier Balkans summit

Women in Tech hosted premier Balkans summit

Women in Tech hosted premier Balkans summit on July 1st in Dubrovnik. Women in Tech hosted premier Balkans summit on July 1st in Dubrovnik, with the main purpose to bring together leaders from business and governmental backgrounds to discuss ways to retain female...