News & Media

WIT Switzerland chapter launch takeaways

WIT Switzerland chapter launch takeaways

March 25th marked the official kick-off of the WIT Switzerland chapter. We had incredible speakers: Katrin Arnold, Elizabeth Theophille, Alisée de Tonnac and Olivier Bousquet. We were thrilled by your warm welcome, you were more than 250 participants! 🙏🏼 Our panelists...

2nd edition of the Women in Tech 24hr World Tour

2nd edition of the Women in Tech 24hr World Tour

This year's 24h World Tour took place on May 26th and 27th. If you missed it, you can watch all the sessions on replay!Opening Welcome to the second edition of our 24HR World Tour!Fireside chat between Lori Rodriguez, Chief Digital Officer Women in Tech and Christine...

Be featured as a WOW – WIT of the Week

Be featured as a WOW – WIT of the Week

BE FEATURED AS A WOW We have a community of such inspiring ladies that we want to have a weekly WOW - Woman in Tech of the Week to share on our platform, website, newsletters and social media. If you want to be featured, please answer the following 4 questions in this...

India Chapter Launch

India Chapter Launch

We're very excited to announce the opening of our Women in Tech® India chapter on April 15th 2021. It will be an online event with different panels discussing:Understanding India's gender parity landscape Imagining India's future with emerging technologies Indian...

WIT Switzerland launch event

WIT Switzerland launch event

Join the first webinar of WIT Switzerland on March 25th 12:00-13:30 Transforming challenges in Switzerland into opportunities This is what we will discuss with our 4 guest speakers: Elizabeth Theophille, Chief Technology and Transformation Officer, Novartis Katrin...

Zambia Chapter Launch

Zambia Chapter Launch

We are thrilled to inform you the Zambia Chapter Launch Ceremony will take place in Lusaka on March 26th. We are pleased to share the evening’s programme: 17:30 Arrival of guests 18:00 Welcome remarks by the Master of Ceremony 18:05 National anthem 18:10 Opening...

The Women in Technology Global Forum is going 100% digital ❗️

The Women in Technology Global Forum is going 100% digital ❗️

Women in Tech® together with the Sharjah Research Technology Innovation Park are organising on February 23rd and 24th, 2021, this years largest 100% online women in technology conference in the world. The second edition of the Women in Technology Global Forum will...

Women in Technology Global Forum

Women in Technology Global Forum

Join the Decade's First and largest hybrid Women in Technology conference in the World! Enjoy both online and in-person sessions for an augmented human experience, a full global reach and a more engaged community. This new decade will be that of Impact and Action. It...

Get to know your new go-to platform for opportunities!

Get to know your new go-to platform for opportunities!

The Next Evolution of Women in Tech is Here!  We have been working hard these past few months to create a new space. A space that acts as a platform for women to share their voice, connect with others, and support our cause on a global scale. Why? Because...

Women in Tech Global Awards Ceremony, December 2nd

Women in Tech Global Awards Ceremony, December 2nd

The Women in Tech global awards ceremony took place December 2nd at 19h CET (Paris time).  This third edition exceptionally took a whole new form as it was a fully virtual experience, broadcasted live. We highlighted the achievements of some of the most relatable yet...

Inspiration from a Fem-Millennial in Tech

Inspiration from a Fem-Millennial in Tech

If you clicked on this blog post, it’s probably because you are a young woman trying to find her path while starting a professional life in the middle of a pandemic. Well, hello there! It’s very nice to meet you! I am Rita Prota, 22 years old (almost 23!), I am...

Women in Tech Global Awards Ceremony, December 2nd

3rd edition of the Women in Tech Global Awards

We are very happy to announce the third edition of the Women in Tech Global Awards 2020! This edition will have a hybrid format being both a virtual and physical event. Our exclusive awards ceremony will be held in Lisbon on the 2nd of December 2020. There are 7...

WiT Demystifying Data Science Conference 2020

WiT Demystifying Data Science Conference 2020

Only about 15% to 22% of today's data science professionals are women. There is an urgent need for women to get skills in this area. Technology, big data, advanced analytics, and AI in particular shape the future, and we need to make sure that this future is diverse...

Fireside Chat – News Goes Remote

Earlier this year, events transpired that have changed the way we work forever. Without warning or preparation, we were thrust into the brave new world of remote working. The Guardian and our colleagues at other media outlets have had to make considerable and...

Landing the Job in Tech

Landing the Job in Tech

Thinking of a job in Tech? - Listen to Aurélie Krau to find out how to follow your passion for Tech fearlessly! Want to get into the mind of a Recruiter? - Listen to Jacqueline de Werker-Schep to learn how to present yourself best! Both our speakers are true...

Role Models Masterclass – by Women in Tech Netherlands

Role Models Masterclass – by Women in Tech Netherlands

New research has revealed the importance of Role Models for girls and women of all ages in STEM. In this 4-part Masterclass series, you will learn from experts and Role Models in the field of Tech, and become a next generation Role Model for women and girls of all...

Decode the “Startup Lifecycle” in one hour.

Decode the “Startup Lifecycle” in one hour.

Women in Tech Israel proudly presents: the Startup Lifecycle Workshop The “Startup Lifecycle” presentation by Ben Wiener, managing partner of Jumpspeed Partners, covers the three stages that every successful startup must go through, with an emphasis on the first stage...

Taking Charge of Your Career!

Taking Charge of Your Career!

We teamed up with and Hello Mentor for this inspiring "Women in Tech The Netherlands Insights" session! We aim to inspire you by sharing the career journeys of great female and technology leaders and teach you practical tips on how to take charge of your...

Cycle Central – Biohack Your Body & Crack Your Career

Cycle Central – Biohack Your Body & Crack Your Career

Women in Tech Israel proudly presents: the Cycle Central Workshop Cycle Central, led by Yarin Weltsman, is a menstrual awareness workshop which teaches women how to Bio Hack their Bodies & Crack their Careers. In this workshop, Yarin teaches women how to tap into...

Isabelle Mauro joined the Women in Tech Global Advisory Board

Isabelle Mauro joined the Women in Tech Global Advisory Board

We are very happy to announce that Isabelle Mauro is joining our Women in Tech Global Advisory Board. Isabelle Mauro is currently Director, Head Telecommunications & Digital Communications Industry at the World Economic Forum in New York with global accountability...

“Demystifying Data Science” Series. Vol. 2

“Demystifying Data Science” Series. Vol. 2

On July 28th, 2020 Women in Tech Russia hosted the second meetup of the “Demystifying Data Science” series in collaboration with Dell Technologies. The event’s target audience was DS newbies, so all topics were dedicated to junior data scientists and those who plan to...

WIT Russia QA School

WIT Russia QA School

After Women in Tech Russia’s “Ways to IT”  meetup in February, we collected feedback.  One girl said: “It’s really cool that you do these motivational speeches and encourage girls, but I’d be happier if you had shown us how exactly we can acquire new knowledge, and...

Help us make our Women in Tech Platform

Help us make our Women in Tech Platform

We are launching our own Women in Tech platform and a mobile app! 🤗 A home for our community, our events, partner projects, talent market place and network, creating greater access to the programs making real change in our world. This platform will be yet another...

Online Cafe – IT Career Here and Now

Online Cafe – IT Career Here and Now

On July 15, at the Online Cafe "IT Career Here and Now" organized by Women in Tech Russia, we talked with great speakers about what is happening in the IT labor market now, what is needed to be relevant, and the role of Diversity in these times.   Moderator Lidia...

Online #IamRemarkable workshop

Online #IamRemarkable workshop

On the 3rd of July, Women in Tech Russia organized a special event for WIT volunteers - the online #IamRemarkable workshop. It was delivered by Kate Mitusova, #IamRemarkable facilitator, ex-Googler, currently working at Wrike. #IamRemarkable is a Google initiative...

Soft-skill building for Russia’s professional women

Soft-skill building for Russia’s professional women

Soft Skills are key qualities for professionals in the 21st century. They can help you find a great job, and boost your career. To encourage women to promote themselves, Women in Tech (WiT) Russia and IT company CROC launched the Soft Skills School. “After we hosted...

Women in Tech Insight Series: Personal Power Development

Women in Tech Insight Series: Personal Power Development

Women in Tech Netherlands bring together two amazing women from the region to discuss performance, empowerment and happiness. 18.00 - 18.15 (CET) Intro by Women in Tech 18.15-19.00 (CET) Frenske van den Dries Creating a high-performance mindset to help you achieve...

Pitch your Project South Africa – Investment competition!

Pitch your Project South Africa – Investment competition!

FoundHer, Powered by Plug and Play and partnered with Women in Tech South Africa, is hosting a virtual investment competition on July 30, 2020. South African, Female Founders and CEOs! Submit your project for the chance to pitch in front of a panel of judges at this...

Women in Tech Insight Series: Remote Working

Women in Tech Insight Series: Remote Working

17:15 CET - Remote Working before and after the pandemicWomen in Tech Macedonia Speakers: Lindsay Kerr, Engineering Manager at GitLab Kristen Williams, Tech Recruiters for Theorem Yuliya Kalede, Tech Lead at Facebook 18:15 CET - How your kids can inspire the way you...

Women in Tech Youth Ambassadors

Women in Tech Youth Ambassadors

We are proud to announce the launch of Women in Tech Youth Ambassadors - a group of talented young women from around the world working hard to support, inform and change the landscape of this generation’s women in tech, for the next.Become a Women in Tech Youth...

South African Chapter launch

South African Chapter launch

Chapter launch: Collaborating to create a more inclusive Space for Women in Tech in South Africa Chapter leaders:Melissa Slaymaker, Chapter Ambassador @Women in Tech SAHwalani Mabaso, Provincial General Manager @ABSA, SA Chapter boardmemberErika Reeves, Sales...

WomeninTech Peru

WomeninTech Peru

¡Acompáñanos en el Lanzamiento Oficial del Capítulo de Women in Tech®️ P E R Ú este Jueves 28 de Mayo a las 4.30pm! En nombre del Movimiento Global Women in Tech®, queremos invitarte a participar en nuestro Primer Evento Global Online Gratuito Women in Tech 24h...

Pitch your project

Pitch your project

Pitch your Startup to VCs, tech leaders and business experts across the globe during Women in Tech's 24hr Virtual World Tour. Submit your project in the form below by May 15th, 2020 for your chance to present during our Lightening Round on May 28th.  Applications Now...

QA School launch in Russia

QA School launch in Russia

Last February Women in Tech Russia held a workshop “Ways to IT”. Aside from the panel speeches, we organized mentor hours and offered to girls not only inspiration but also individual feedback and advice. After that event, we decided to go further and started planning...

WIT 24h Virtual World Tour!

During the Women in Tech 24hour Virtual World Tour we will meet international leaders and role models who are championing their industries from AI to Blockchain, FemTech, Climate Change, HealthTech, Diversity & Inclusion and...

Women in Tech 24h Virtual World Tour

Women in Tech 24h Virtual World Tour

Today more than ever Women are Taking up Space. Female astronauts have recently succeeded in an all-women spacewalk and courageous women all around the world are taking up the space they need to thrive in their professional and private lives. An online 24h Conference...

Woman of the week – Lindsay Lee

Woman of the week – Lindsay Lee

Please meet Lindsay Lee, our Woman in tech of the Week. She is a Technical Officer at WHO and works on issues related to people with disabilities. She warns that during COVID-19 pandemic, discrimination against people with disabilities could increase. Lindsay Lee is a...

Women in Tech and Sharjah Advanced Industry Accelerator

Women in Tech and Sharjah Advanced Industry Accelerator

Women in tech is proud to support Sharjah Research Tenchnology Innovation ParkIn the launch of the The Sharjah Advanced Industry AcceleratorA program calling all pioneering startups from across the world who have proven solutions that are transforming the industry 4.0...

Sharjah Advanced Industry Accelerator

Sharjah Advanced Industry Accelerator

Women in Tech is very proud to support the Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park (SRTIP) in the launch of its first acceleration program in Industry 4.0. We are looking for startups from across the world with an MVP or a market-proven solution to the...

Women in Tech contributes to UN’s 5 SDG’s

Women in Tech contributes to UN’s 5 SDG’s

The United Nations Sustainable development has set 17 goals to transform our World by 2030 🌍 WOMEN IN TECH - Global Movement fully supports the UN’s hashtag#SDG's by contributing to 5 of the 17 goals: Goal #5 is "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and...

Women’s careers in technology – Moscow

Women’s careers in technology – Moscow

On March 12, 2020 Women in Tech Russia and the Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI France Russie) organized a meetup on women’s careers in technology. It was the first WIT event in Moscow. The speakers at the event were female experts who shared their...



THANK YOU! To all participants who joined our Women in Tech Netherlands webcast last nite, for your vulnerability, for your calmness, for your unity. To Jeroen van Velzen, for coaching us on how to sense energy in a room and create a powerful, connected journey for...

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Your voice makes a difference! Want to become a member & connect with others

from our growing Women in Tech community? Please sign up!

South African Chapter launch

South African Chapter launch

Chapter launch: Collaborating to create a more inclusive Space for Women in Tech in South Africa Chapter leaders:Melissa Slaymaker, Chapter Ambassador @Women in Tech SAHwalani Mabaso, Provincial General Manager @ABSA, SA Chapter boardmemberErika Reeves, Sales...

Global Partners